Welcome to the home of "The Dog Beautiful." Are you ready for an adventure? Have you ever experienced a personal connection with animals? Perhaps a perfect moment where your connection with an animal brought you to a place of clarity and pure understanding? Animals have much to share with us and lessons to teach us when we take the time to connect and take interest in the mulitple facets and perspectives that create their existence. When this understanding reaches into a deeper level, the result is a fuller and more meaningful relationships.
Our purpose is to explore and share unique perceptions, perspectives experiences, knowledge, information and insights in a holistic and non-judgmental manner, and it is our hope that a few of the topics will resonate with you and help you work to advance the depth of your relationship with your companions.
Please join us as we explore the various facets of our relationships with dogs (and other furry friends.) This site is devoted to those who enjoy a special connection with animals. This link is like an unspoken agreement that is unique and larger than life itself. The relationship works both ways and enables us to live fuller lives as well as cope with the challenges that cross our paths. Our pets have a wealth of knowledge and feelings to share with us. Their greatest gift to us is unconditional love.